Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BP1_Google Reader

This picture was taken from creative commons.

Name of feed chosen
Why I chose the feed
How is it important?

I believe that this website helps with this masters program I am currently enrolled in. This feed is  from CNN, a trusted name, and it gives you the latest technology articles.

With my 8 month old PC already being out of date, my Maters Degree taking off in technology, and students to teach faster than ever, I need to be updated on current trends in technology.

I am currently teaching a middle school writing class.

I always try to be a lifelong learner, therefore I need to stay updated on new ideas.

I have and teach little kids one on one for reading instruction. I need to know what games are popular with them. This also keeps me in the loop of what things are “fun” in their world.

Playing is very important to any child. My favorite saying in high school classrooms is, “Everything  you need to know, you learned in kindergarten.”

If you are following…I also teach a 9th and 11th grade English class. This way I am able to stay updated on new literature news to share in class.

I like for the kids to see how literature is in everyday life. I am hoping this will help me show them that.

One more thing on my plate is coaching high school sports. Knowing the statistics on other teams will keep me “cool” to the sports players in my classroom.

Teachers need to connect in healthy ways with their students.

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